ProLigno / ProLigno 2005 Issue 2  





The second issue of PRO LIGNO journal has been  published, so our „history” has begun.

This publication edited by the Faculty of Wood Industry in Braşov – the only scientific institution in the wood processing field from Romania – intends to offer its readers the research results of the teaching staff who trained and launched on the working market over 5000 engineers, who nowadays perform their activity inside the country or abroad. The journal is also open to all specialists involved in this field, at international scale, in order to present their own research and results.

The exchange of ideas and professional results, by preserving and observing their paternity, is of major importance for the progress of small companies. It is not enough to consider that the simple import of machines, equipment or tools can entirely solve the problem of development and progress.  These imports represent the „up-to-date” level of wood processing technologies. Human ideas can conquer new steps in progress by developing these technologies. Generally, new professional ideas involve lots of frettings and many seekings, many experiments and data processing, which without they remain only ideas.

The journal gives the opportunity to both younger people and the ones with experience to contribute to the development of the Romanian wood processing field, as a professional and moral duty towards the Romanian education system and as a sign of respect for the effort made by our precursors to transform this industrial field into a very important one for the Romanian economy, for the people’s life and its quality.

Thanks to their efforts, the quality and diversity of wooden products promoted Romania’s renown all over the world, and therefore, their effort must be rewarded through ours, the present people, being also a permanent impulse for future generations.

Thus, our duty is to assure the continuity of the noble profession of wood processing engineer. We benefit from a regenerable raw material, which we should efficiently use, in correlation with the possibilities offered by the forest, without distroying the natural equilibrium of the environment in which we and our children live.

Prof.univ.dr.eng. Ivan Cismaru


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