ProLigno / ProLigno 2005 Issue 2  





Ivan Cismaru, Maria Cismaru, Adriana Fotin, Camelia Boeriu
Technological Design in Wood Industry. Database. Sizing and Shaping. Vol. I (in Romanian language)
Editura Universitatii "Transilvania", Brasov 2005
ISBN 973-635-530-6
206 pg.


The book comprises a generous database which can be used to elaborate the technological documentation specific to wooden products, processed at industrial scale.

The presented examples can constitute the starting point for the elaboration of the documentation which is necessary to unfold the fabrication process in wood industry.

The next volumes (II and III) will add concrete applications, to cover the large range of structures specific to wooden products.


Mihai Ispas
Machines and Units for Woodworking (in English language)
Editura Universitatii "Transilvania", Brasov 2004
ISBN 973-635-291-9
349 pg.


The book presents, within its 349 pages, in an explicit and detailed manner, the construction and functioning of the main groups of machine-tools used in woodprocessing industry: frame saws, band saws, circular saws, planing machines, milling machines, drilling machines, lathes and turning machines, as well as sanding machines.

The book abounds in cinematic, hydraulic and pneumatic schemes, photographs, general/partial views and sections, tables, the author being led by the adage: “a well-done scheme is better than 1000 words”.

This book mainly addresses to the students of the “Wood Science and Technology” specialisation of the Wood Industry Faculty in Brasov, having English as teaching language, but the target group of this publication is much larger, comprising all specialists involved in wood processing.


Maria Cismaru
Physics of Wood and Wood-Based Materials (in Romanian language)
Editura Universitatii "Transilvania", Brasov 2005
ISBN 973-635-219-6
158 pg.



The book presents the main physical properties of solid wood and some wood-based materials. Within three broad chapters, moisture content, swelling and shrinkage, as well as the density of wood are analysed from the theoretical point of view, in relation to the factors which influence them, showing also the reciprocal relationships between them, the accompanying phenomena and their negative consequences in the process of assembling frames and manufacturing solid wood panels.

The theoretical basis presented for each property is completed by practical examples and solved applications, which are very important for students, as well as for specialists from industry, as they lack from reference literature.


Maria Cristina TIMAR
Wood Improvement 
(in Romanian language)
Editura Universitatii "Transilvania", Brasov 2003
ISBN 973-635-141-6
213 pg.


 Wood improvement represents all the methods and means of action used for diminishing or eliminating some undesired properties (hygroscopicity, dimensional instability, anisotropy), enhancing some others or conferring new characteristics. The book synthesises for the first time the traditional and modern wood improvement methods applied world-wide, highlighting the theoretical principles in the relation cause - effect, the technological aspects, the efficiency and limits of different technologies. This book is addressed at the same time to the students, researchers and specialists in the field of wood science and technology, wanting to be an invitation of exploring a challenging, continuously evolving scientific area, where new and bold ideas are welcome.


Vasile Fernea
Composite Materials made of Agro-Fibres, Wood and Polymers (in Romanian language)

Editura Lux Libris, Brasov 2004
ISBN 973-9428-70-3
476 pg.

Note*: This book was edited by financial support from S.C. SIGSTRAT S.A. Sighetu-Marmatiei, General manager, Dipl.Eng. Kertesz Stefan. The book can be ordered at:


As the result of an effort lasting over 10 years and being based on an exceptional professional experience, as well as the achievements of the most prestigious firms in the field, this book presents a large number of theoretical and practical novelties in a field of world-wide interest: the industry of composite materials. Over 100 assortments of new wood-based composite materials are presented, as well as numerous modern technologies for their manufacturing.

The book is richly illustrated with over 130 figures and it contains 90 tables with economic and technical data.


Ciprian-Nicolae Lazarescu, Constantin Lazarescu
Tolerances and Dimensional Control in Wood Industry (in English language)
Editura Universitatii "Transilvania", Brasov 2005
ISBN 973-635-438-5
253 pg.



The book presents notions regarding the interchangeability in parts processing, accuracy problems, methods used in determining the manufacturing precision, the I.S.O. system of tolerances and fits in general, and particularly, for wooden product, by using a method of achieving the fits by tenon compression.

Dimensional chains and methods to solve them are also presented, as well as verification devices used in wood industry and a study regarding fabrication errors by statistical methods. The book also contains an appendix with a Romanian-English dictionary of speciality-specific terms.


Marina Cionca
Florentine Renaissance.
Art. Interiors. Furniture (in Romanian language)
Editura RISOPRINT, Cluj-Napoca 2005
ISBN 973-656-975-6
295 pg.



This monography presents the brightest period from both history of art and history of furniture: the Florentine Renaissance. It is a good opportunity offered to all those who are interested in art, architecture, interior design and furniture, iconography and ornaments as well as joinery and decoration techniques from 14th – 16th century Italy.

The structure of the book allows the simultaneous perception of these organic relations between all forms of art of the Florentine Renaissance and the art of living, respectively the art of furniture. The second part of the book details the most specific piece of furniture of the Italian Renaissance, the hope (or dowsy) chest (cassone).


Dumitru Lica, Camelia Boieriu
Furniture Design, Fabrication and Fiability (in Romanian language)
Editura Universitatii "Transilvania", Brasov 2005
ISBN 973-635-188-2
163 pg.



The workbook addresses to the students in final years as a guide for furniture design projects and diploma projects, but it may also be useful to specialists working within the design departments of furniture factories.

The manual starts with a presentation of the materials used in furniture manufacturing, containing both dimensional and quality characteristics of those materials, followed by some recommendations of the dimensions used in furniture design and a general presentation of a technological furniture project, accompanied by examples.

The forms to be filled in for a technological project are explained in detail, making reference to the calculus of technological surfaces, necessary materials etc. Parts drawings are presented as examples, as well as schemes of the main machines used within the manufacturing process, with a view to the technological flow design.


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