






The Faculty of Wood Industry - Past, Present and Future
Gavril Budau

Articole stiintifice:

Forest economy at the begining of a new millenium. Part 1: Forestry sector and primary wood processing
Marius C. Barbu


Comparative study of laser triangulation and stylus measurements of roughness on wood surfaces
Lidia Gurau , Hugh Mansfield-Williams , Mark Irle


French furniture with lacquer panels from the 18th century: materials, methods and decoration techniques
Marina Cionca , Alin Olarescu


Computer aided drawing of the component table in AUTOLISP and DCL
Wilhelm Laurenzi

An enterprise presents itself:
  S.C. FOREX S.R.L. Ghimbav
Recent publications
PhD Theses:

Contributions to the Study of Dimensional Stability Improvement of Beech Wood by Surface Treatments
Ing. Emanuela Beldean


Contributions to the Study Regarding the Construction and Exploitation of Profile Cutters Used for Wood Cutting
Ing. Luminita-Maria Brenci

Flash News (available only in Romanian language)
Glossay of speciality-specific terms (available only in Romanian language)


Site created by Costel AGACHE. Site maintained by Luminita Brenci. Last update March 21, 2008