"Only the ones who respect their precursors,
will merit the respect of their successors."
The Jubileum celebrating the 50
years of existence of the Wood Industry Faculty
in Brasov geve us the opportunity to reflect upon
the motto above.
Organising the festivities occasioned
by this Jubileum and the 7-th edition of the International
Conference "Wood Science and Engineering in the
Third Millenium" - ICWSE 2009 - between 4-6 June
2009, convinced us that our industrial partners
and the almost 7,000 graduates of our faculty
still praise and respect the ALMA MATER BRASOVENSIS.
In first line, we think of the 26
sponsors of the PRO LIGNO Foundation - main organiser
of the Jubileum - to whom we address our sincerest
gratitude and highest consideration.
We also wish to emphasise the massive
participation of former students, whole graduate
classes from the beginning of this faculty being
enthusiastically present at this event.
The importance and place of our
faculty within the universitary community and
the local community was acknowledged by the participation
of personalities from highest level: Prof.dr.eng.
Sorin Gabriel POPESCU - General Manager in the
Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation,
Mr. Ion GONTEA - Prefect of Brasov County, Mr.
George SCRIPCARU - mayor of Brasov city, the whole
Academic Council of "Transilvania" University
in Brasov.
The Diploma of Excellency awarded
to the Faculty of Wood Industry by the Ministry
of Education, Research and Innovation, signed
personally by the Minister of Education - Ms.
Ecaterina ANDRONESCU - confirms the quality of
the education process within our faculty.
The congratulation messages received
from similar institutions from Europe: the University
in Hamburg, the University of Natural Resources
and Applied Life Sciences in Vienna, the Technical
University in Zvolen, as well as renown organizations,
such as IUFRO, reflects the prestige and recognition
of our faculty at international scale.
We can not forget mentioning hereby
the 80 participants of ICWSE-2009. Among these,
I wish to address special thanks to the 37 foreign
participants, coming from 15 countries from all
over the world, building-up here, in Brasov, in
June, a strong forum for exchange of ideas and
future collaborations. The 108 articles published
within the Conference Proceedings, covering not
less than 802 pages, reflects not only quantitatively,
but also qualitatively the interest of scientists
from all over the world.
This is why future students and
teachers are motivated to continue the teaching
and research tradition within our faculty and
we, the present staff, are able to hope for the
future of this institution.
Prof.dr.ing. Gavril BUDAU
Dean and Executive Manager of PRO LIGNO Foundation