Conference ICWSE - 7-th edition, 4-6 June 2009,
Brasov - Romania
Between 4-6 June 2009, at the Aula of the "Transilvania"
University in Brasov, an important scientific
event organized by the Faculty of Wood Industry
took place, namely the seventh edition of the
International Conference "Wood Science and
Engineering in the Third Millennium" - ICWSE
2009. Eighty specialists participated to this
event, among which 37 foreign researchers from
15 countries from all over the world: Austria,
Canada, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Japan, Latvia, Nigeria, Norway,
Turkey, Ukraine and United States.
The conference was organised in collaboration
with three prestigeous forums in the field: the
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
- IUFRO, the European Furniture Manufacturers
Federation - UEA and the Romanian Association
of Furniture Manufacturers - APMR.
As in the previous editions, the conference topics
was vast, including all aspects related to wood
engineering starting with wood anatomy and ending
with manufacturing technologies for most diverse
finite wood products. The conference program comprised
108 papers structured in 10 sections as follows:
Section 1 - Wood Anatomy, Wood Properties and
NondestructiveTesting of Wood.
Section 2 - Wood Drying and Other Thermal Treatments
of Wood. Heat and Mass Transfer.
Section 3 - Mechanical Wood Processing; Optimization
of Cutting Process and Surface Quality.
Section 4 - Wood Composites. Innovative Wood-Based
Section 5 - Wood Conservation and Restoration.
Section 6 - Wood Protection and Modification Technologies.
Wood Gluing and Coating.
Section 7 - Eco-Design of Furniture and Furniture
Section 8 - Computer-Aided Engineering.
Section 9 - Wooden Structures and Constructions.
Section 10 - Environment-Friendly Technologies.
Quality Control, Management and Economics in Wood
The opening ceremony was dedicated to the celebration
of 50 years of existence of the faculty. After
an introduction into the history of the faculty
within the Keynote Address entitled "The
Faculty of Wood Industry - 50 Years Jubilee 1959
- 2009" and a video-presentation of the present
profile and preoccupations within the faculty,
Prof.dr.eng. Gavril BUDAU - Dean of the Wood Industry
Faculty- awarded jubiliary distinctions to the
attendees: representatives from the Ministry of
Education, County Prefecture and City Hall, members
of the Academic Council of "Transilvania"
University, industrial partners of the faculty
and sponsors, former graduates (with special emphasis
on the first graduate classes of the faculty),
representatives from other Romanian universities
and from similar European universities.
After the lunch break, the presentations within
two parallel sections followed up. Out of the
31 papers included in the program of the first
day, 28 were presented. According to the appreciations
of the attendees, many of the papers had a high
scientific level and were subject for numerous
debates and discussions.
The first conference day ended with a welcome
cocktail dinner at ARO PALACE restaurant, where
the participants were able to exchange impressions
and to continue professional discussions in an
elegant and more relaxed ambiance.          
The second day reunited the conference attendees
at 56 more presentations, which took place within
three parallel sections throughout the day.
After the official closing, part of the foreign guests
said good-bye, thanking for the organiser's efforts,
but most of them chose to join the Banquet at "Cerbul
Carpatin" Wine Cellar, and to enjoy the unique
atmosphere created by traditional music and dances.
The last day was dedicated to the post-conference
excursion, which included a visit at the Wood Industry
Faculty and afterwards a guided trip to the Peles
Castle in Sinaia, which enabled attendees to find
out more about the history and culture of Romania.
We hope all attendees to have enjoyed this event
and to have taken the opportunity to gain new
impressions, new ideas, to establish new contacts
and to enrich their knowledge about Romania, about
the Wood Industry Faculty in Brasov, about its
tradition and the present research preoccuppations.
Same at the previous editions, we have to emphasise
with sorrow, the poor participation of students
and of representatives from the Romanian woodprocessing
sector at the conference sessions.
Trying to transfer as much as possible of the
new information and ideas presented within the
conference to our readers from the industrial
sector, PRO LIGNO editors have pre-selected some
representative contributions from each section
for translation and full publishing within this
special edition of PRO LIGNO Journal.
Hoping that the overall presentation of this
event has caught your attention and interest,
we already launch the invitation to join us again
in 2 years, for the 8-th edition of the conference
in 2011.
The Conference Proceedings in
electronic form (CD) can be ordered at the Secretariate
of PRO LIGNO Foundation:
Tel/Fax: 0040 268 419581. E-mail:
Prof.dr.eng. Mihai ISPAS
Conference Coordinator