ProLigno / ProLigno 2009 Issue 2  






Prof.Dr. - Iwate University, Faculty of Agriculture
Address: Morioka, Japan, 020-8550

Prof.Dr. - Iwate University, Faculty of Agriculture
Address: Morioka, Japan, 020-8550

Abstract: The insulation panels developed in this study are composed of wood shavings compressed into a mat with a density of 110kg/m3 without any binder. This mat is lapped with plastic film that works as a damp proof course. This paper describes characteristics of our insulation panels and fireproof tests conducted with a full-scale-thick wooden frame wall that was sandwiched with wood-fiber cement board and plasterboard. The test wall was filled with 100-mm-thick wood shaving insulation panels or glass wool insulators. These walls were examined for heat shielding effect and cross section loss of wood post (105mm by 105mm). The results revealed that the test wall filled with our insulation panels had a higher heat shielding performance than the other. This is because charring of wood shavings generates water and some of it remains near the rear surface of our panels due to an existence of plastic film, and consequently, the water consumes vaporization energy and resulted in keeping a temperature lower than around 100°C. The heat shielding performance was found to have a quality equivalent to the 60-minute quasi-fireproof performance stipulated in the Building Standard Law of Japan. Furthermore, our insulation panel was found to provide a wall less cross section loss of wood post than filling a wall with glass wool. This suggests that wood shaving insulation panels are superior to glass wool in terms of structural safety by fire as well as heat shielding performance.

Key words: insulation panel, wood shavings, glass wool, heat shielding effect, vaporization energy, charring.

SEKINO, N. (2009). Wood-based Insulation Materials for Building Use. MOKUZAI KOGYO (Wood Industry), Vol.64, No.2, 52-57 (in Japanese), ISSN 0026-8917.
SEKINO, N; KAWAMURA, Y; YAMAUCHI, G. (2005). Binder-less Wood Chip Insulation Panel for Building Use Made from Wood Processing Residues and Wastes IV. MOKUZAI GAKKAISHI, Vol.51, No.6, 380-386, ISSN 0021-4795.
SEKINO, N. (2004). Japan patent No. 3607254.
SEKINO, N.; KAWAMURA, Y. (2004). Binder-less Insulation Panel Made of Wood Shavings for Wooden Frame Houses, Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2004), Lahti, Finland, Vol. III, pp.365-368.
SEKINO, N.; YOSHIBA, M.; TANIUCHI, H.; YAMAUCHI, G. (2007). Fundamental study on the fire resistance of binder-less wood shaving insulation panels. Bulletin of the Iwate University Forests. No.38, 1-21, ISSN 0286-4339.




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