Guillaume SIMONIN
Phd. student - LERMAB, ENSTIB
Address: 29, rue du Merle Blanc BP 1041 88051
Epinal, France
Tel: +33 03 29 29 61 00. Fax: +33 03 29 29 61
Address: 29, rue du Merle Blanc BP 1041 88051
Epinal, France
Alexandre ROUGIE
Phd. Student. - LERMAB, ENSTIB
Address: 29, rue du Merle Blanc BP 1041 88051
Epinal, France
Prof.dr.eng., Directeur - LERMAB, ENSTIB
Address: 29, rue du Merle Blanc BP 1041 88051
Epinal, France
Abstract: The goal
of this project was to evaluate the wear resistance
of different carbide associated with different
cutting parameters and teeth geometry, during
the sawing of wet spruce. We tried to simulated
working conditions of a modern sawmill, with high
feed and cutting speeds. Test saw blades, were
tipped with tree grades of carbide, three rake
angles and three different numbers of teeth. We
used a Taguchi table to find the best compromise
with all these parameters to reduce edge recession,
during spruce rip-sawing, and we looked at energy
consumption while machining MDF at different points.
The aim of this study is to find the best carbide
to saw spruce, according to a modern sawmill cutting
parameters. With the collaboration of SIAT-BRAUN
(the most important French softwood sawmill),
RBD ONCI JAGUAR (a tool manufacturer) and CERATIZIT
(European leader of carbide production), the goal
was to increase circular saw life and decrease
energy consumption of circular saw blades used
in sawmill.
Key words: carbide, wear, saw blade.
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