ProLigno / ProLigno 2009 Issue 2  






Mirela COMAN
Conf.dr.eng. - Universitatea de Nord din Baia Mare
Address: Str. Victor Babes nr. 62 A, 430083 Baia Mare

Abstract: The work presents the results of the research made in the frame of different projects during last years. As we know, the unique natural and cultural heritage of the Maramures region represents a significant contribution brought as a dowry by our country to the European Union.
        The detailed analysis of the traditional practices in this area, as an example - woodworking, and new practices - the environmental protection, is has been developed for helping us in using natural resources in a sustainable way. The woodworking traditions and other handcrafts are set up in varies structures: "Information Centre on Rural Heritage of Maramures" or "The County Museum of Ethnography and Popular Art from Baia Mare", and they are an inexhaustible inspiration source for actual practices and green technologies.

Key words: traditional wooden tools, pieces of art.

BALUTOIU, V., GRECU, M. (2007). Istoria si cultura romanilor (Romanian History and Culture). Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti, ISBN: 978-973-302-256-5, 304 p.
COMAN, M., BIG, C., IUGA, G. (2008). Aspects Regarding Actual Conservation Opportunities for the Natural and Cultural Heritage in Maramures County. In: Lucrari Stiintifice, Seria A, LI, Bucuresti, ISSN 1222-5339, 1086 p.
COMAN, M. (2006). Depresiunea Baia Mare. Protectia mediului din perspectiva dezvoltarii durabile (Baia Mare Depression. The Environmental Protection from Sustainable Point of View). Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN: 973-751-197-2; 978-973-751-197-3, 175p.
IUGA, M. s.a. (2003). Conservarea, restaurarea si salvarea bunurilor culturale din lemn (Conservation, Restauration and Salvage the Wood Cultural Objects). In: Lucrarile simpozionului CERES, Baia Mare, 25-26 iulie, 2003, Editura Cybela, 2003, Baia Mare, ISBN: 973-8126-14-2, 241 p.
MANEA, M., DUMITRESCU, N., NITA, C., PASCU, A., TRANDAFIR, A. (2004). Istoria Romanilor (Romanian History). Editura Humanitas Educational, Bucuresti, ISBN: 973-99807-7-5, 232 p.
*** (2007). Proiectul "Sapa unde stai", Aplicant principal - Fundatia IUGA, Proiect sustinut de catre British Council Romania - Componenta ONG (Project "Dig Where You live", IUGA Foundation applicant, Contract supported by British Council Romania - ONG - Component).




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